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A Behind The Scenes Look At The Iconic Bedroom From The Harry Potter Series


Hogwarts Bedroom: A Glimpse Into the Magical World

A behind-the-scenes look at the iconic bedroom from the Harry Potter series

By Sarah Rusche

On January 19, 2019, I stepped inside the iconic Hogwarts bedroom from the Harry Potter series. It was a surreal experience to see the place where Harry, Ron, and Hermione had slept, studied, and plotted their adventures. The bedroom was located in the Gryffindor Tower, and it was exactly as I had imagined it from reading the books. There were four beds with red and gold curtains, a fireplace, and a large window that looked out over the Hogwarts grounds. I could almost picture Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting by the fire, talking and laughing. I could imagine them getting ready for bed, and I could hear their voices echoing through the room. The Hogwarts bedroom is a place of magic and wonder, and it was an incredible experience to step inside it. I can't wait to share more about my visit in my upcoming article. So stay tuned!

